BCS Could Have Another Direct Flight From Europe – Will Start At The End Of 2020

La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). The head of the Ministry of Tourism, Economy and Sustainability (Setues), Luis Araiza López said that, in addition to the route that exists with London, another flight from Europe to Los Cabos is expected, however, he did not reveal It’s origin.
“There is a very good chance that our destination will be strengthening very soon with a flight, from somewhere in Europe. If the agreement is already signed, it would begin at the end of the year, it would be with fixed frequency, ”said the official.
In this regard, he highlighted that due to the success of the London-Los Cabos flight there were some airlines interested in signing an agreement for the South-California destination to join the alternatives of European tourists visits, during the holiday season.
“The reality is that thanks to the success we are having with the flight from London to Los Cabos, there is already an interest in other lines to get closer to this continent; We had very good meetings headed by our Governor, Carlos Mendoza Davis, with some airlines, and very soon we are going to give the news of another flight, but we cannot reveal neither airlines, nor destination, ”said Luis Araiza.
The Secretary also mentioned that if this flight becomes a reality, it will begin at the end of 2020; In the same way, he said that the news of said flight will be announced until March, once the State Government is certain that this alliance will be possible: “It will be announced at the fair that will be in Germany in March “, said.
Finally, Araiza López emphasized that 6 out of 10 travelers who arrived in Baja California Sur on the London-Los Cabos flight will return to these lands, because they were delighted with the beauties of the state.
Credits: BCS News/ Photo: Internet
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