In November There Will Be A New Direct Fight From Canada to Baja California Sur

La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS). In November there will be a direct flight from Calgary to Loreto, announced the Secretary of Tourism, Economy and Sustainability (Setues), Luis Humberto Araiza López after highlighting that he has promoted to Baja California Sur in 2 cities in Canada.
The “Presencias Baja California Sur” strategy consists in promoting the entity, through meetings with travel agents and other professionals in the cities of Vancouver and Calgary . On the other hand, Araiza López recognized Canada as the second issuing country of travelers to Baja California Sur.
“The foreign market continues to place us within their travel preferences and this is thanks to the intense promotional efforts that we carry out to attract more and more tourists and that this reflects in greater social development and economic growth,” said the official .
Currently, Los Cabos has direct flights to both Calgary and Vancouver, however, in recent dates it will start the Calgary-Loreto direct flight of the West Jet company, which will help increase the arrival of tourists to the Magic Town.
Finally, Araiza López said that it will continue to promote Baja California Sur, not only in the most important markets worldwide, but also in different tourism segments.
Credits: BCS News/ Photos: Internet
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