Los Cabos Is Ready For The Mountain Biking Championship

The Municipal Department of Sport represented by Jesús Salvador Zumaya Verdugo, announced that together with the clubs will  make theMountain Bike Championship, Los Cabos 2016 in various tracks.

The Championship is organized as follows: Feb. 28 in Los Pozos, organized by The Rucos of Levy’s; March 27 in Mamoyas by Stray Dogs; April 24 at Los Portales by Club Cabo San Lucas; May 8th on the  Easte Cape by Thunder Bikes and June 12 in Miramar  by Trooper-Icool.

According to data reported in the information, the event category ranging from beginners to master, ranging from 5 to 50 years at all levels of performance and  participants, intermediate and advanced.

“The highest-ranked at the end of the championship in  infant, youth, beginner, intermediate, advanced, free categories, veterans 30, master 40 and 50 will be awarded a round-trip to the national championship held in Querétaro on 31 July cyclist ” said Zumaya Verdugo.

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