This Season More Whales Are Expected To Arrive

Because the cold season of this 2018 will be much more icy, compared to that of recent years, providers of tourism services at the Laguna Ojo de Liebre and Laguna San Ignacio sanctuaries await an arrival of superior number of whales, they say.

The low temperatures, which began just a few days ago, will cause the whales to look for the warm waters in the lagoons, unlike other years when they remained outside, where the sea temperatures were as warm as the estuaries and bays .

In this regard, José Varela, service provider noted that it is a cyclical phenomenon that occurs every 3 or 4 years, with significant variations in water temperatures that, in addition to changing the dates of migration, have caused havoc such as disappearing seagrasses.

“Well, they usually return to their behavior, let’s say more regular when it cools down, that is, they arrive earlier, later this month, at the beginning of the other; it has variations, there are 3 or 4 years that is cold and then a year hot and it varies, it’s like a cycle, “he said.

Finally, José Varela pointed out that until now whales have not been detected, due to the intense winds that were registered during the week, which prevented the service providers from going out to look for them, so, once the winds calm down, will proceed to travel the area.

Credits: Elías Medina / Cabo Mil
Photos: Internet

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